Thursday, February 14, 2013

Research, lies and science fiction.

Last night, I got a bit mired down in some research for my new novel. After some methodical digging, I came across some research papers written in Russian that Google was kind enough to translate, and I found the moment where science fiction (specifically, my personal brand where 'seat-of-the-pants' science is hurled at the keyboard) meets reality, or at least, speculative quantum physics.

Reading through this (and barely understanding one-in-ten) I was struck by how similar my approach to the science of stasis fields, slipspace, pseudogravity, fusion reactors, and other technological marvels compares to actual science. Granted, the papers I was reading were really far out there, in some boundary zone between actual, testable science, and speculative science fiction (but with far more equations and fancy words) but even so, it's downright eerie how close we are.

It's really quite interesting. I am not sure if it's life imitating art, or art imitating life somehow... but in a way I am glad. It's almost like a vindication that my methodology (laugh) for coming up with plausible science-ish technology may actually have some pretty solid foundations in actual science.

Maybe that's why it's so believable? My goal is for these books to be as real as possible... and while I don't really approach the tech in a regimented manner, I do try to come up with plausible engineering, chemistry, physics, and so on (as best as I can, being a barely literate, unwashed, untrained, semi-intelligible monkey at the best of times...)

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