Thursday, April 25, 2013

Super Random Fan Sweepstakes!

Enter to win, and become the first person on our planet to read the first 100 pages of the next ARCHAEA novel! You will be the envy of literally tens of fans!

Be the person you've always wanted to be: a WINNER!


First, make sure you have an account on Twitter.

If you don't - set one up. Don't complain, just do it. Then, go to and click "Follow". Again, no complaining... it's fun, and you'll thank me later.

Next, on the confirmation screen after you purchase ARCHAEA this weekend, Amazon has a link that says 'Share this to Twitter'. Clicking that link will create a 'tweet' that says: "I just bought: 'Archaea' by Dain White via @amazonkindle"

On May 1, 2012, I will randomly select you (not that other loser, but YOU) as the winner. How I will select you isn't necessary, but it will be as random as I can make it. Trust me, I can be pretty random when I want to be, so I will do my best to make it rutabaga... err, random.

I'll contact you through Twitter to make arrangements to deliver your prize, a lovingly handcrafted PDF (suitable for printing) of the first 100 pages of the next book. Seriously... how awesome is that?

Not only will you be the first person to read it, you'll be the first person to know the name of the book! You will have UNBELIEVABLE POWER AT YOUR COMMAND. Trust me, you will...

Good luck!

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

FREE! ARCHAEA! 4/26-28!

Hey everybody - just a quick note to let you know that I'm running a free weekend for my first book, ARCHAEA. If you like science fiction (or even if you don't) I beg you, please download and read this book, this weekend!

Tell everyone you know, share this to the ends of the earth and beyond! Even if you have read this, please delete it, and download it again! The last time I did this, I hit #1 in Space Opera on Amazon, and #9 in the main Science Fiction category... but I want to CRUSH it this weekend, I want to hit #1 on the free book list for all of Amazon. I can't do it though, without some serious support! Mark your calendar: 4/26-28 - download my book for free!

"But Dain, I don't have a kindle!" 

That's okay, read it on your phone, your Ipad, your laptop - Amazon offers free kindle readers for almost every possible device!

"But Dain, I don't have a device!" 

That's okay, read it in the soft, fluffy cloud by pointing a browser at

"But Dain, I don't like science fiction!" 

That's okay - don't read it... JUST DOWNLOAD IT and tell everyone you know how utterly groundshakingly mind-blowingly AWESOME it was! (Seriously, it's not really a super hard-core sort of sci-fi book, it's more like a lighthearted, funny, and very interesting / engaging adventure sort of story... even if you don't like sci-fi, you'll love this book!)

"But Dain..." 

NO MORE BUTS! I command you, this Friday, Saturday, or Sunday (or whatever those days happen to be for my wonderfully upside down friends in Australia, New Zealand and Singapore) click this link! The future of all of human civilization may depend on it! (Unlikely... but it sure sounds epic!)

Click this:

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Celebrate Spring!

Spring is a wonderful time. All across the northern hemisphere (except for Idaho) flowers are blooming, trees are turning green again, and grass is that fresh, rich green you had almost forgotten.

Idaho laughs at this season, and tosses in rain, snow, sleet, hail, rain, frost, and some more rain just in case you didn't get the point. As I write this, it's cold, windy, and grey - Pretty Much Winter, is what we Idahoans call this season... for good cause. 

For the rest of this hemisphere, however - this is a time of awakening, a time to crawl out from under blankets and sweaters, to find sandals and shorts, to wander outside with eyes blinking at the burning brightness of that strange yellow thing in the sky. It's time to celebrate!

Or is it?

I suspect that for many of you, as wonderful as you might wish the weather is outside, your proximity to the great state of Idaho has turned the weather outside cold, dark and windy. 

I apologize, on behalf of my state, but to help you curl up with a good book (or three) and spend a weekend lounging slothfully, coffee cup at hand, reading...I've decided to buck tradition, and put all three of my books up for sale this weekend, for the low, low, low price of 2.99. That's one penny shy of three dollars!

If you are one of the lucky few who have a wonderful weekend of warm sunny spring weather might as well pick up a good book (or three) anyway, because otherwise you'll have to mow the yard, pull weeds, till the garden, clean the gutters, prune bushes and maybe paint or build something. 

Trust me, reading Archaea, Janis and Red will be more fun than all of the above...and ultimately, cheaper. 
