Thursday, April 4, 2013

Celebrate Spring!

Spring is a wonderful time. All across the northern hemisphere (except for Idaho) flowers are blooming, trees are turning green again, and grass is that fresh, rich green you had almost forgotten.

Idaho laughs at this season, and tosses in rain, snow, sleet, hail, rain, frost, and some more rain just in case you didn't get the point. As I write this, it's cold, windy, and grey - Pretty Much Winter, is what we Idahoans call this season... for good cause. 

For the rest of this hemisphere, however - this is a time of awakening, a time to crawl out from under blankets and sweaters, to find sandals and shorts, to wander outside with eyes blinking at the burning brightness of that strange yellow thing in the sky. It's time to celebrate!

Or is it?

I suspect that for many of you, as wonderful as you might wish the weather is outside, your proximity to the great state of Idaho has turned the weather outside cold, dark and windy. 

I apologize, on behalf of my state, but to help you curl up with a good book (or three) and spend a weekend lounging slothfully, coffee cup at hand, reading...I've decided to buck tradition, and put all three of my books up for sale this weekend, for the low, low, low price of 2.99. That's one penny shy of three dollars!

If you are one of the lucky few who have a wonderful weekend of warm sunny spring weather might as well pick up a good book (or three) anyway, because otherwise you'll have to mow the yard, pull weeds, till the garden, clean the gutters, prune bushes and maybe paint or build something. 

Trust me, reading Archaea, Janis and Red will be more fun than all of the above...and ultimately, cheaper. 

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